All men do desperate things when the situation calls for it. I wanted to make that clear, losing 300gb of data comes in as one of those situations. My main media drive that holds pretty much freakin everything decided to develop what my laptop claims to be a bad sector. It crashes windows when put on with a desktop, it refuses to even power up in Binh's portable case. But.. it works on Michelle's f*@king Mac, i have no idea how and no idea why but 4hrs tinkering tell the truth. In defeat i purchased a portable drive to make the transfer, i had nowhere else to turn, it was a dark day indeed.
To rub salt into the wound im probably going to have to give up my sexy blue "For the Bling" case and resort to using a big assed Seagate, technically more realiable and safe but... yeah. /cries
Michelle's desk at times does reflect her state of mind
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